
Note: In following context, we only show handle function

Warning: Don’t use *response.Response cross goroutine, it’s not designed to be thread-safe(and it don’t have to be)

Basically rocket contains some type to help you return value more easier

For example, response.Html

func() response.Html {
    return `<h1>Title</h1>`

Then your response when with header Content-Type is text/html

Currently we have:

  • response.Html, return text/html
  • response.Json, return application/json
    func() response.Json {
        return `
            "just": "a json"
  • string, return text/plain

Response is defined under this package

import ""

func() *response.Response {
    html := response.Html(`
    return response.New(html)

As you can see, you can keep your awesome response type feature with Response

Factory functions:

  • New, accept a response type of rocket

    response.New("what your user get")
  • Redirect, redirect to provided path

  • File, create a reponse from file

  • Stream, create a streamable responder by allowing you keep writing data into http.ResponseWriter

    response.Stream(func(w http.ResponseWriter) (keep bool) {
        _, err := w.Write([]byte(`hello\n`))
        if err != nil {
            return false
        return true

    This is because Go http package help you could use HTTP/1.1 connection as streaming by ignoring EOF, and somehow we found this is really useful so we keep this ability in rocket

Here is all methods of Response:

  • Headers, accept a header map

        "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
  • Cookies, accept a cookie list

        cookie.New("a", "cookie").
                Expires(time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 24)),
        cookie.New("more", "cookie").
                Expires(time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 24)),
  • Status, accept a new status code, it would panic when you give a invalid status code(by RFC, it should be a 3 digit integer) or you try to rewrite it

    response.New("Bas request").
  • ContentType, let you modify content-type of response easier(compare to setting header directly)

    response.Stream(func(w http.ResponseWriter) bool {
        // ignore